Friday, April 26, 2013


Looks like comedy duo and friends Owen and Vince have found a new thinking playground at the Google campus as featured in the upcoming hilarious movie “The Internship.”

In an interview with EW on his upcoming true-to-the-times relatable comedy “The Internship,” Vince Vaughn admits that there wouldn’t be any film had Google said no to the concept in the first place.

owen wilson & vince vaughn THE INTERNSHIP

Owen Wilson & Vince Vaughn THE INTERNSHIP

Vaughn, who serves as co-writer, producer and star of “The Internship” reunite with Owen Wilson about friends in their 40s who get laid off from their jobs. Convinced they’ve gone about managing their careers entirely wrong, they resolve to become interns at a tech company and start anew. Hijinks ensue when Vaughn and Wilson compete against wily, fresh-faced 22-year-olds to advance in the company.

“The Internship” sees Nick (Owen Wilson) and Billy (Vince Vaughn), two old-school salesmen who use old fashioned charm and brilliant sales techniques to sell watches. On the night that they try to close a big sale with a client, to their shock, they find out that their company has been shut down because kids don’t wear watches anymore. Suddenly, they find themselves unemployed as two dinosaurs in the digital world.

To make the situation worse, Billy goes home to find a foreclosure sign on his front lawn and his girlfriend packing her bags to leave him. In the meantime, Nick’s sister offers him a job at a mattress store and he takes it out of despair. After an exhaustive job search online, Billy has Googled everything he can Google. He finally gives up by typing just “Google” into the search box, and finds an opportunity for them to reinvent themselves – with an internship program at Google.


Owen Wilson & Vince Vaughn THE INTERNSHIP

The guys arrive at the Google Campus in Mountain View, California – a world away from anything they have seen before – and are in awe. All the food and drink is free so they load up on coffee and donuts at the “free” coffee cart as if it’s their last meal on earth. On the first day of their internship, they find themselves in a sea of tech-savvy 20-year-olds who they need to compete against to win a full-time position at Google. They team up with Neha, a sexually curious nerd, Stuart, who is obsessed with his cell phone and won’t get off of it, Yoyo, a genius Asian kid that lacks social and common life skills, and Lyle, who is an underdog who wants to fit in. They also meet their nemesis – Graham – an arrogant and aggressive college student who will stops at nothing to win the competition and get the job at Google.

Vaughn wrote the original draft of the story when the US economy was in shambles and most of the people he knew had lost their jobs. It was that generational sentiment that the skills they have are not significant as it used to be. And when he saw a portion of what goes inside the Google ‘campus,’ “I thought of taking the characters to this place and give them the chance to work at Google – that felt relatable and rootable,” shares Vaughn.

Google cofounder Sergey Bin checked on the film’s set every now and then which Vaughn is very grateful for – “Everyone at (Google) was very nice and gracious. But that’s what Google does: You search for something and you find it,” Vaughn concludes.

“The Internship” opens June 7 in theaters from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


colin farrell voices ronin in EPIC

Colin Farrell voices Ronin in EPIC

Prepare to be hurtled along in a journey to the fantastical, spectacular world of “Epic” from Blue Sky Studios, the studio that brought to life the most beloved and successful motion pictures “Ice Age” and “Rio.”

Filmmaker Chris Wedge helms the upcoming larger-than-life “Epic” based on the beloved children’s book “The Leaf Men and the Brave Good Bugs” by William Joyce which introduced Samurai-like warriors, the Leafmen– and a war being waged in our own backyards between the forces of life and the forces of decay.

In the thick of adventure in “Epic” is a smart, spirited and headstrong 17-year-old named Mary Katherine but prefers to be called MK (voiced by Amanda Seyfried). She returns to her childhood home to reconnect with her estranged father, Professor Bomba (Jason Sudeikis), M.K. loses patience with his endless stories of unseen people who live in the woods. But when she is magically transported into the Leafmen’s world, she gains a new perspective. To find her way home, M.K. must do more than believe in this world; she’ll have to help save it.


Colin Farrell voices Ronin in EPIC

The film’s visual wonders breaks new ground in animated spectacle, realism, action and adventure, but it is Epic’s characters and the actors who portray them that take center stage. Along with Seyfried’s and Sudeikis’ voices in “Epic” are Beyonce Knowles, Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler, Colin Farrell, Josh Hutcherson, Pitbull, Blake Anderson, Aziz Ansari, Chris O’Dowd and Christoph Waltz.

The ongoing battle between good and evil in “Epic” transports MK in a secret universe where she teams up with an elite band of warriors headed by Ronin (Farrell), Nod (Hutcherson), a crew of comical creatures including a snail named Grub (O’Dowd), a slug named Mub (Ansari) and the Leafmen’s queen, Queen Tara (Knowles). Together they fight to save the forest from the Boggans headed by Mandrake (Waltz) and his son Dagda (Anderson). In the midst of it all is a caterpillar named Nim Galuu (Tyler), a consummate party animal whose practical know-how make him a key player to save the forest. Between the forces of light and darkness is Bufo (Pitbull), a tough-guy toad who is a wheeler and a dealer who likes to play all the angles no matter which side wins or loses

.EPIC in 3D opens May 24

EPIC in 3D opens May 24

“Epic’s” world is lush and alive through Michael Knapp’s supervision, the movie’s art director in charge of designing characters, colors, environments, textures, story and lighting. Working with Chris Wedge and artists to transform the familiar environs of a woods into a kind of alien universe, where the colors are more vivid, the light more expressive, and vegetation sways as if it were consciously alive.

With these departments achieving unprecedented levels of realism and spectacle, Wedge singles out “pushing the animation further than ever before” as another formidable creative challenge. “Our characters in EPIC are the most sophisticated-looking and human-looking of all our Blue Sky Studios projects,” he says.

Colin Farrell who voices Ronin enthuses on making the film, “The film is epic by name, epic by nature and epic by experience.” The Blue Sky Studios team has no bigger fan than Beyoncé Knowles, who says, “The animators based much of their work on footage of the actors recording our lines, so my facial expressions and body language have become part of Queen Tara.


Josh Hutcherson voices Nod in EPIC

“I was blown away by the detail in the animation,” she continues. “It’s very hard to even tell it’sanimation; it looks so lifelike. I’ve always imagined being in an animated film, so to see that happen was really exciting for me.”

Action is also king – or, in this case, Queen – in EPIC, which features two spectacular battles, including the climactic confrontation in which the Leafmen, M.K. and Bomba face off against Mandrake and the Boggans that will decide the fate of Queen Tara’s Moonhaven. It’s grand storytelling, giant action, and bigger than life heroes and villains in the ultimate war between good and evil.


seyfried as mk and sudeikis as profbomba in EPIC

It’s EPIC. And it’s all happening in a world you’ve never seen before – but is as close as your own backyard.

Opening across the nation on May 24, “Epic” in 3D and 2D is from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.


Updating the whole noir idea, Academy Award winner filmmaker Danny Boyle (“Slumdog Millionaire”) brings together a trio of today’s finest and thrilling actors- James Mc Avoy, Rosario Dawson and Vincent Cassel in “Trance,” where betrayal, moral uncertainty, sexual tension and lurid instincts lurk beneath each of them.


“Trance” begins with an adeptly-planned heist at an auction house which goes violently awry when the auctioneer inside man takes a blow to the head leaving him with no memory of where the stashed the stolen Goya painting. The story quickly turns into a high stakes triangle – the painting’s amnesiac thief (James Mc Avoy), his fearsome partner in crime, gang-leader (Vincent Cassel), and the alluring hypnotist (Rosario Dawson) hired to help recover his lost memories – as they all become trapped together in a brain-bending puzzle of their own making. The more they search for the missing Goya, the more it becomes clear that what is hidden is not just a priceless work of art, but fractured fragments of secrets, temptations, and treacheries that all add up to the truth.

Taking the role of Simon is James Mc Avoy, who came to international acclaim from his previous roles in “X-Men: First Class,” “The Last King of Scotland,” “Wanted,” and in “Atonement.”


Mc Avoy felt a magnetic attraction to the role. “I was completely blown away by this mind bending, genre bending, psychological heist movie,” he says. “When I auditioned for Danny, he was incredible. I’ve rarely been directed in an audition so interestingly. That made me desperate to get the part. Luckily for me he phoned up and said, ‘Would you like to do it?’ Every day on set has been like that - just discovering this script, which is brave, bold and challenging for a performer.”

Boyle was surprised by Mc Avoy. “I thought he might be a bit young for it, but when we met, it was really interesting because the part makes him seem older,” the director observes. “It was fantastic the way he grew into it. I also wanted him to do it with his natural Scottish accent because I have a real love of the Scottish voice. He tells me that he doesn’t get asked to do it that often. So that was lovely for both James and Vincent to use their natural voices. I find myself entirely addicted to James, who does a wonderful job. It’s a very complicated part because we’re never sure where his conscience lies.”


Simon’s confusion about his own identity, actions and conscience accelerates throughout the film, building to a fever pitch, exhilarating Mc Avoy as he took on the role. “Normally, we remember what we’ve done – the brain does that as a full-time job -- and that’s how we identify and see ourselves. But Simon can’t remember who he is properly. He’s had a bang on the head and something is missing. Things don’t make sense. All he knows is that there’s something huge not right in his life.”


All of this internal chaos demanded a highly creative reaction from Mc Avoy. “It’s a film where you really get to explore the boundaries of what’s strange and odd,” he summarizes. “All of the situations Simon finds himself in are slightly off and unexpected, altered in some way. And as he gets closer to his lost memories, it has huge repercussions for everyone involved.”

“Trance” opens this May 1 in theaters nationwide from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Identity Thief: Movie 2013

Identity Thief

Unlimited funds have allowed Diana (Melissa McCarthy) to live it up on the outskirts of Miami, where the queen of retail buys whatever strikes her fancy. There's only one glitch: The ID she's using to finance these sprees reads "Sandy Bigelow Patterson"... and it belongs to an accounts rep (Jason Bateman) who lives halfway across the U.S.


With only one week to hunt down the con artist before his world implodes, the real Sandy Bigelow Patterson heads south to confront the woman with an all-access pass to his life. And as he attempts to bribe, coax and wrangle her the 2,000 miles to Denver, one easy target will discover just how tough it is to get your name back.

“Identity Thief” is released and distributed by United International Pictures through Solar Entertainment Corp.

Academy Award Winners Pacino, Walken and Arkin star in Stand Up Guys

STAND UP GUYS stars Academy Award® winners Al Pacino, Christopher Walken and Alan Arkin in a tough but touching action comedy as retired gangsters who reunite for one epic last night.


VAL (Al Pacino) is released from prison after serving twenty-eight years for refusing to give up one of his close criminal associates. His best friend DOC (Christopher Walken) is there to pick him up, and the two soon reteam with another old pal, HIRSCH (Alan Arkin). Their bond is as strong as ever, and the three reflect on freedom lost and gained, loyalties ebbed and flowed, and days of glory gone by. And despite their age, their capacity for mayhem is still very much alive and well - bullets fly as they make a hilariously valiant effort to compensate for the decades of crime, drugs and sex they've missed.

But one of the friends is keeping a dangerous secret- he's been put in an impossible quandary by a former mob boss, and his time to find an acceptable alternative is running out. As the sun rises on the guys' legendary reunion, their position becomes more and more desperate and they finally confront their past once and for all.

Director Fisher Stevens was told early on that both Al Pacino and Christopher Walken had, at one time, been attached to star in “Stand Up Guys.” But as very often happens in Hollywood, for myriad reasons the film had not been made. Stevens recalls, “When I got the script, I called Chris (Walken) who was still set to play the role of Val. I told him that I was directing the movie and in search of somebody to play opposite him. The producers had given mea list of five possible actors but Al Pacino wasn’t on that list because they had assumed that for whatever reason, he wasn’t interested because he’d already been attached before. Well, time went by and for whatever reasondevelopment seemed to be taking forever.


“Then, three days before Christmas my phone rang and it was Al Pacino,” Stevens continues. “Al, who is an old friend of mine, and who I originally wanted for ‘Stand Up Guys ’said that he’d just seen the Woody Allen documentary and he had another project that maybe I could help him produce. I told him that I was directing a feature, one that I knew he was familiar with, so I couldn’t work on his project. I said I knew he wasn’t interested in my film, to which he responded, ‘I’m not interested? You’re directing it? Let me look at it again.’ Four weeks later we were in prep! After almost a year of trying to cast it!”

Academy Award-winner Al Pacino was delighted to at last be part of this project that he’d previously admired. He says, “The script was one of those good ones that hovers around and gets passed through a few hands and there were a couple of readings. It’s the kind of script you think is going to get made because it’s so good. I just happened to be talking to Fisher Stevens and he told me he was directing this, and I said, gee, I really like that.”

Pacino and Stevens had known each other for many years, mainly as friends. “I knew him as an actor too,” Pacino says. “He’s a great actor and he makes great documentaries and even though he’s young, he’s been around and engaged and involved in things for a long time. The fact that we could work together and that he was directing it, was really nice. I believed in him and Tom Rosenberg, who is so experienced and so knowledgeable and such a great producer, so, I was happy to jump in.”

Although Al Pacino and Christopher Walken had known each other for many years, they never had an opportunity to work together on film. However, director Stevens instinctively knew that these two professionals would work well together. “It was just like magic, Stevens says of the chemistry between the two stars. “It was beautiful to watch and they really admire each other. You see it in their characters and their performances. There’s love there and it comes out on screen.”


Curiously, when originally cast, Pacino was set to play the role of Doc and Walken was to play Val. However, Walken mentioned to Stevens that he wasn’t necessarily crazy about playing Val, that he would actually like to play Doc. Stevens says he knew that Walken would be great in either role, but could very easily see him as Doc. “In fact, whenever most people read the script, they were assuming that Chris was going to play Doc because the character dances and Walken is a trained dancer,” Stevens says.

Producer Luchessireiterates, “At one point, we thought that Chris Walken should play Val and Al Pacino should play Doc. But they both felt the reverse very strongly. They felt that Pacino was really Valentine and Walken was a better Doc. And when we sat down with them we realized that they were completely right.”

When director Stevens cast Alan Arkin as Hirsch, the actor brought in a whole new energy to the project. Stevens says, “It was fantastic. Alan and Al had worked together in the film adaptation of ‘Glengarry Glen Ross,’ but to see the three of them work together, well it was kind of magical, and I was so blessed as a director to get to work with three icons and three idols of mine.”


In selecting which to accept of the many roles he is offered, Oscar-winner Alan Arkin says that the most important criteria is that he must be excited by the script. “There’s a kind of moving graph that makes me decide to take a role,” Arkin elaborates. “First of all, the script. If I’m not a hundred percent excited about the script, then that hundred percent has got to be made up by the people I’m working with and the director, so in some way everything has got to add up to a hundred percent. Occasionally I’ll take a project even if I don’t understand the character, or don’t have a clear feeling, but if I want to work with the other people enough—the actors and the director—I feel like something good is going to transpire in rehearsals.”

When Christopher Walken was asked about working with Al Pacino and Alan Arkin, he said it was inspiring, and that it afforded him the rare opportunity to learn from the great actors. “To sit across a table and play a scene with Al Pacino is very, very interesting. And Alan, he makes it looks so easy.” Walkin felt it was like dancing, that your partner makes you better.

‘Stand Up Guys’ is released and distributed by CrystalSky Multimedia showing on May 15 nationwide!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bridesmaid Melissa McCarthy turns up the Heat as an 'Identity Thief'


Oscar®-nominated actress MELISSA MCCARTHY starred in the smash-hit comedy Bridesmaids as Megan, the confident sister of the groom, opposite Kristen Wiig.  The film was directed by Paul Feig and produced by Judd Apatow.  For her role in the film, McCarthy was nominated for a BAFTA, a Critics’ Choice Movie Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award. She won a 2012 MTV Movie Award for Comedic Performance of the Year. Last year, McCarthy won an Emmy Award, and she recently received her second Emmy nomination for starring as Molly on the top-rated CBS comedy Mike & Molly, which is currently airing in its second season. She also received a nomination for guest-hosting Saturday Night Live.  McCarthy was last seen in Universal Pictures’ This Is 40, for director Judd Apatow.

Now the 42 year-old plays Diana in the comedy Identity Thief. Her character steals the identity of Sandy Bigelow Patterson, played by Jason Bateman.


What appealed to you about this project?

I was excited to get a call from Jason Bateman and was looking forward to meeting him because I love the movies he has been involved with over the years. I thought we would get along and be friends, which is the goofy thing every fan thinks.

Apart from starring in IDENTITY THIEF, Jason Bateman also produced the movie, correct?

The truth is that once he said, “Let’s do it!” he really made everything happen very fast. Jason is a good producer. He’s also nice and smart. I could tell he really wanted to make the same kind of movie that I wanted to make.

What makes Jason a good producer?

Jason pays a lot of attention on set and actually watches what’s going on very carefully. For him, to have the title of producer is not just a name, which was nice to see.

Jason plays the straight-shooting family man that becomes the victim of your character, Diana, when she steals his identity and starts to spend his money. How do you see these opposing characters?

I see the two characters as two very opposite people with wildly different lives. Even though they are so different, they are also kind of stuck in their routine lives.

What do you think Jason Bateman brought to the role of Sandy Bigelow Patterson?

Sandy is a family man and a really good guy and Jason was just very funny as Sandy. It is really hard to play the kind and centered person that everyone can relate to and still be so funny.


How do you see your character, Diana?

Diana is a slightly crazy character who is really just lonely and running the same cycle over and over again because that is what she has always done.

Diana goes from someone we initially don’t like to a person the audience ends up warming up to. Can you expand further?

Yes, that character arc was the whole point of Diana’s journey. I didn’t want her to be that kind of one-dimensional thief that just doesn’t care. I thought it would be better if she was the kind of person who hadn’t even thought about what she was doing to people, then finally realized that she is destroying this nice man’s life and understand that her actions have consequences. To see how she confronts the fact that what she does really affects others is interesting because not a lot of comedies go there.

How do Sandy and Diana affect each other’s lives?

The interesting thing is that when Sandy and Diana get together they realize they are both living lives they weren’t expecting. That is the weird common bond they have that maybe allows them to become friends. In this way, they can both change. He can become more in control of his situation and my character can take some responsibility for what she is doing.

What can you say of director Seth Gordon?

A: When I first met Seth, he talked about how we were all going to get along well during the shoot. He made sure everyone was nice and nobody was crazy, which really paid off in the end.


Did you have a good time making this film?

Yes, we had such a good time! It wasn’t an easy movie to make because it was so physical, but Seth played a big part in making sure we enjoyed the shoot. The same goes for Jason, who knows how to keep a light tone on set.

IDENTITY THIEF is also a road movie. Do you enjoy road trips?

I really like road trips. I remember driving to California from New York and getting into some really remote places where I could hardly recognize the country I was in. I loved that experience and the variety of it.

Your character, Diana, is resilient, isn’t she?

I remember comparing Diana to a cockroach in regards to her resilience. Sometimes she is in pure survival mode and manages to get back up and walk away from dangerous situations.

Was it physically challenging to pay Diana at times?

Yes, it was very physically challenging! Both Jason and I had a lot of bruises and some bloody noses along the way, but it was really fun.

Identity Thief

Which action sequences were the toughest to shoot?

I think the sequence in Diana’s house, when Jason comes and tries to put handcuffs on me, was the toughest to shoot because that house was in Atlanta and the air conditioner was broken. It was hard to focus and think, but we had to spend two or three days fighting.

Did you manage to develop a very effective throat punch?

I can say I have never before punched anyone else in the throat other than Jason Bateman. Now that I kind of have a taste for it, anything can happen! After all, he did hit me with a guitar, which was a fun improvised moment.

Do you enjoy improvising on set?

I love to improvise if I’m working off of a really well-structured script. I don’t like it when you have to find what isn’t there or fix it. I prefer when everything is already there and you can change something just to surprise people. Then, it becomes really fun.

Have you ever been the victim of identity theft?

Years ago, somebody managed to drain my entire checking account leaving me with nothing. I couldn’t even put gas in my car, pay my bills or get food! I remember being in a bank crying my eyes out and thinking, “I can’t leave without any money!” Somebody had been writing out checks in my name for three days.

Did you meet with any real identity thieves to prepare for this role?

A lot of research had already been done by all of the production team, and I preferred not to meet with identity thieves because I wanted to stick more to why she was doing what she was doing rather than how she was doing it.


What do you think it takes to do something like stealing someone’s identity?

Nowadays, you would have to be tech savvy to steal someone’s identity. I don’t think I could do it because I just have no ability with technology. I guess I would have to pickpocket, as I can barely work a computer.

"IDENTITY THIEF" is released and distributed by United International Pictures through

Solar Entertainment Corp. Showing Nationwide. May 1, 2013


In the psychological caper “Trance” directed by Academy Award winner Danny Boyle, Rosario Dawson delves deep into her role as Elizabeth Lamb, a hypnotherapist that she says has broken every mold of a character she’s ever played.

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Dawson and Mc Avoy in TRANCE

Stolen memories will resurface in “Trance.” Simon (James McAvoy), a fine art auctioneer, teams up with a criminal gang to steal a Goya painting worth millions of dollars. After suffering a blow to the head during the heist, he awakens to discover he has no memory of where he hid the painting. When physical threats and torture fail to produce answers, the gang’s leader Franck (Vincent Cassel) hires hypnotherapist Elizabeth Lamb (Rosario Dawson) to reach into the darkest recesses of Simon’s psyche. As Elizabeth begins to unravel Simon’s broken subconscious, the line between truth, suggestion, and deceit begin to blur.013-TRANCE-PS.tif

Dawson Cassel Mc Avoy in TRANCE

Boyle brings a fresh take on the iconic femme fatale in the character of Dawson as Elizabeth Lamb, the beautiful hypnotherapist who proves to be every bit the equal of the men playing power games around her. The most alluring leg of the movie’s triangle belongs to Lamb which Dawson molded to become a very modern re-model of the classic femme fatale. At first she seems like she might be just an eye-catching, over-confident pawn in an all-male game, but Elizabeth’s true power begins to emerge as the story unravels.


Rosario Dawson in TRANCE

Known for her previous notable works in “Sin City,” “Rent,” “Seven Pounds” and “He Got Game,” Dawson has worked with many of the world’s leading directors, from Spike Lee to Quentin Tarantino, Chris Columbus and the late Tony Scott – but this role is totally different from her previous ones. “I’ve never played anyone even remotely like her,” says Dawson of Elizabeth Lamb. “Elizabeth is totally different because she’s hiding everything. You only get hints of her emotion through her doing things with her hair to show her restraint but when she lets her hair down, she really lets her hair down. Then, you get to see a different side of her. It’s subtle; it’s completely unspoken. And she’s a wonderful presence to have between these two guys,” Dawson explains.


Rosario Dawson in TRANCE

One of the most intriguing aspects of “Trance” for Boyle was the chance to present a woman as an equal player in a crime thriller. “You make all these films and you have great women in them, but they’re basically about guys - Ewan McGregor, Cillian Murphy, Dev Patel, James Franco or Leonardo DiCaprio. So what I love about “Trance” is there’s a woman most definitely right in the thick of it, holding her own.”

He knew he needed an actress capable of evoking Elizabeth’s underlying strength. “I’d always had Rosario in mind for the role,” he says. “I’d always wanted to work with her. She won’t thank me for saying this, but everything I’ve seen her in, I don’t think people have used her fully; I don’t think her talent as an actor has been fully exploited. We wanted someone who had a real commanding presence: an ability with words and an independence – a stand-alone quality.”


Rosario Dawson in TRANCE

Dawson researched her character’s profession by attending hypnosis classes and poring through books on hypnotherapy and psychology. “I met with a couple of hypnotherapists. I even got hypnotized,” she explains. “I noticed that every single person in the profession that I met exuded this confidence. They give off this feeling of ‘I know the secrets to your brain, and you don’t understand how you think or why you behave that way but I do and I can help you.’ So that was really interesting and it wasn’t an accident I played her that way.”

“Trance” opens May 1 in cinemas nationwide from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.


”The Wolverine” latest trailer reveals Logan aka Wolverine (played by Hugh Jackman) at his most vulnerable struggling with his immortality. Caught in a web of conflict, as Wolverine develops alliances he also faces a host of dangerous new enemies revealing a stronger, multi-dimensional character.


Fukushima & Jackman in THE WOLVERINE

Set in Japan where an integral part of Wolverine’s history lies, “The Wolverine” is a stand-alone epic-action adventure where he will emerge more powerful than ever before, leaving him forever changed.

The Wolverine

Rila Fukushima in THE WOLVERINE

“The Wolverine” also stars Tao Okamoto, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Rila Fukushima, Hiroyuki Sanada, Will Yun Lee and Brian Tee, directed by James Mangold and scripted by Mark Bomback and Christopher McQuarrie.


The most iconic in the X-Men universe will soon be seen on the big screen when "The Wolverine" opens on July 25 in (Phils.) theaters nationwide from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.


DF_04692.dng              Brandon T Jackson Lerman Daddario PERCYJACKSON SEAOFMONSTERS

Logan Lerman is back as the teen demigod Percy, son of sea god Poseidon who embarks on a journey to save Camp Half-Blood,  home and training ground of demigods like him sired by the mythical Greek gods with humans.

Check out the latest adventures of Percy along with Annabeth, Grover and Tyson in the movie's recently released international trailer here:

Upon returning to the camp, Percy along with the other teen demigods find the camp's protective barriers poisoned leaving them all vulnerable against enemies' attacks.  The only way to save the camp is to retrieve the Golden Fleece from a  dangerous cyclops named Polyphemus. Together with Annabeth (Alexandra Daddario) and Tyson (Douglas Smith), a cyclops and Percy's half-brother, Percy sets sail on his most dangerous journey yet to retrieve the Golden Fleece in order to save the camp.


"Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters" docks in Philippine cinemas August 15 from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros. 

The movie will also be available in 3D and 2D format.   Visit 20thCenturyFoxPh YouTube channel and 20thCenturyFox Philippines Facebook page for the latest Percy Jackson news, photos and videos.