The USS Enterprise is sent to observe Planet Nibiru, but finds a volcano on the verge of erupting and wiping out its primitive inhabitants. In the process of launching a dangerous mission to halt the eruption, first officer Spock's life is jeopardized, forcing Kirk to break the "Prime Directive" and reveal the Enterprise to the planet's civilisation to rescue him.
As a consequence, a number of indigenous people begin to worship the ship as it leaves. After being called back to Earth, Kirk is relieved of command, and Admiral Pike re-assumes command of the Enterprise. Shortly afterward, Starfleet agent John Harrison bombs a secret "Section 31" installation in London. An emergency meeting of high ranking officers is called at Starfleet headquarters, which Kirk attends as Pike's first officer. The meeting is attacked by a gunship piloted by Harrison. Kirk takes the gunship down, but Harrison escapes and Pike dies.
Are you willing to sacrifice your LIFE for the LIFE of your entire crew...
After Pike's funeral, Admiral Marcus (Weller) authorizes Kirk to hunt down Harrison, who has fled to the Klingon homeworld of Qo'noS. Since Qo'noS lies deep in Klingon territory and Starfleet is on the brink of war with the Klingon Empire, the Enterprise is supplied with 72 long-range prototype photon torpedoes, and is ordered to fire them all at Harrison's location once he is found.
Will Captain James T. Kirk use this new deadly weapon ?
Believing the torpedoes could be dangerous to the ship, chief engineer Montgomery Scott refuses to take them aboard and tenders his resignation when ordered to accept them. The Admiral's daughter, scientist Carol Marcus also joins the crew, under a false identity, and Pavel Chekov is promoted to Chief Engineer.
Will the The USS Enterprise survive the wrath of there enemy ?
Several twists and turns of events will turn Admiral Marcus and Captain Kirk into opponents.
With Marcus in pursuit, the Enterprise is attacked by the superior starship Vengeance in Earth's orbit. Outgunned, the Enterprise is severely damaged. Ultimately Kirk agrees to hand over the Klingon Khan and the 72 bodies in cryo sleep in exchange for the lives of his crew. Marcus refuses and beams his daughter aboard to prevent her being used against him.
Will Commander Spock experience emotions during LIFE THREATENING situation?
Will Admiral Marcus ultimately destroy the Starfleet’s USS Enterprise commanded by Kirk? Watch how this great inter-galactic action-suspense-drama in the latest Star Trek adventure concludes.
The movie stars Chris Pine as Captain James T. Kirk, Zachary Quinto as Commander Spock, Karl Urban as Lieutenant Commander Dr. Leonard “Bones” Mccoy, Zoe Saldana as Lieutenant Nyota Uhura, Anton Yelchin as Ensign Pavel Chekov, Simon Pegg as Lieutenant Commander Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, John Cho as Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu, and Bruce Greenwood as Rear Admiral Christopher Pike who return to reprise their roles from the previous film, with the addition of Benedict Cumberbatch and Alice Eve to the cast.
Star Trek into Darkness is a Paramount presentation directed by Producer/Director J.J. Abrams. It is distributed by United International Pictures through Solar Entertainment Corporation. Showing at your favorite theaters and cinemas on May 15.
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